How to Join

Thank you for considering joining Eaton Golf Club.

Everyone associated with the club is rightly proud of it and hopefully if your application is successful, you will become part of one of the premier golf courses in the region.

At the heart of Eaton Golf Club is its members – it is a club owned by members and run by members. The club has a vibrant, social and diverse membership which covers a broad range of golfing abilities. Eaton has a very competitive and social element in all of its categories and is especially proud of our growing Junior and Ladies sections.

The club has a very bright future and is very proactive in development of its course and facilities and is always looking at methods to improve and evolve, whilst retaining the standards and traditions of the club. In order to protect Eaton’s reputation as a premier golf club its members are key – this application form begins a process to ensure that new members maintain these standards.


Eaton Golf Club is owned and run by its members. There is no joining fee but shares must be purchased by members over 30 years of age. The cost of the shares is currently valued at £300 each and allow you to vote in AGM's and election of board and committee members. The share price is valued by an independent assessor and has remained at this price for a number of years which shows the stability of the club. The share process is:

* Member aged 30 to 34 years of age – must purchase 1 share at £300
* Member aged 35 to 39 years of age – must purchase 2 shares at £600
* Member 40 years of age and over – must purchase 3 shares at £900

The share purchasing process will be further explained during the later stages of your application including payment options for both share and membership fees. On resignation, the share(s) held would be added to the share transfer register held by the office and sold once a new purchaser/member becomes available.

Application process

We are all rightly proud of the club, its course and the history. In order to preserve this we have a membership application process that reflects what the club expects of its members.

The first part of this process is the application form and the link to it is attached. The application form is your opportunity to tell the club why you are suitable to be a member and please take the time to consider the questions posed within it. Listed below is clarification of certain sections of the form.

Proposer and Seconder
Within the application form we ask for details of any existing member of the golf club who will act as a proposer, in short someone who will act as a reference for the club to verify your credentials. This person should have been an established member of the golf club for at least twelve months and you should provide details of this person on this application from. There is also a section should you know additional members who can fulfil this role – known as a seconder. The proposer and seconder should be known to you and they should be aware that you have provided their details as they will be contacted as part of this process.

If you do not have any proposer or seconder, Eaton Golf Club will still welcome your application and ask that you provide two names who we can speak to as character references. However, an additional part of your application process will require you to meet and play golf (at least 9 holes) with a member of a committee from the golf club. This will be an informal affair and is not to assess your golf game but your credentials as a future member. This will allow you to speak to the member and see if the golf club is right for you as well.

Golf club history/handicap
There is a section for you to list previous golf clubs of which you have been a member. This may assist with your application. Eaton Golf Club has a wide and varied golfing handicap standard and all levels of golfers are welcome to join the club. There is also a section for you to provide your CDH number (Central Database of Handicaps) if applicable.

Social Media Profiles
Eaton Golf Club has wide and varied methods of communicating with its members, including Facebook, Instagram and X accounts. If applicants have such accounts these details should be provided to allow the club to communicate in the most effective manner.

Applicant’s statement
We ask that you consider writing a covering statement to give additional details to support your application. This part of the application is your first opportunity to tell the club why you are suitable to be a member of Eaton.

Each application is reviewed for suitability to progress to the next stage.

If your form is accepted, your application will progress to the next stage. All applicants will be invited for an interview (and golf game for applicants without a proposer) with a member of the Membership Committee. You will be contacted and a mutually convenient time for this will be agreed.

All new members should be aware that a twelve month's probationary period is in force during which time any issues identified may result in immediate termination of membership

It is hoped the above information shows that Eaton Golf Club thrives because of its members and that processes are in place to protect the standards and traditions of the golf club.

To obtain an application form or to answer any questions you may have please email or tel. 01244 335885