Subscription Rates

The Board of Directors has set the following subscription rates for 2024

Category Annual Fee (£)
Full Member (aged 40 and over) 1314.50
Intermediate D (aged 35-39) 1314.50
Intermediate C (aged 30-34) 1138.50
Intermediate B (aged 26-29) 836.00
Intermediate A (aged 21-25) 539.00
Distance 100 miles/Student 462.00
Distance 50 miles 676.50
Under 21 346.50
Under 18 165.00
Under 14 135.00
Under 10 75.00
Associate Membership 75.00

Categories available to existing members

Associate membership is available to spouses/partners or existing adult members and parents/grandparents of Youth and Junior members

Please note that the above figures do not include the Golf Union Dues of £17.50 which are applicable to all categories apart from Under 10 and Associate Membership

Category Amount(£)
Non Playing 75.00
Restricted C (24 x 9 holes per annum) 462.00