The 200 Club

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200 Club supporters provide some luxury extras for the golf club as well as giving members the chance to win a prize. Membership of the 200 Club lottery has been very successful and we now give out six prizes in each monthly draw.

50% of the fund goes towards Eaton Golf Club projects that are outside the normal club budget. The other 50% is paid out to 200 Club members in cash prizes. Among the projects that have involved the 200 Club are:

* the new trophy cabinet
* the round tables in the dining room
* the on-course toilet
* the course picture in the entrance hall
* the new halfway house and electronic access to it.
* a second practice net
* annual support for the pots and flowers on the patio
* clubhouse decorations at Easter and Christmas
* the hanging baskets at the front of the clubhouse
* the World Handicap System notice board.

If you would like more information please contact me,

Mike Bullough